
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Positive black male characters are a must…


As a writer, I made a pledge to myself years ago. I vowed to create at least one book per year that featured a black male character as the main protagonist in the book. Why? Because when it comes to the children’s book literary world… black males are just invisible…

Sure there are occasional books here and there…
However, there has been no commitment to creating entire book series that feature African American males in abundance. I have searched high and low and out of the 400 series books that I found on the market. There are about two that include an African American male as the main character. I wrote three series which include African American male characters, and I will continue until the end of my career. Unless there is a concerted effort to create more books that feature diverse characters by authors and publishers…those books will never come to fruition.

Tiffany A. Flowers, Children’s Author  

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