
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Meet Children's Author Ryan Joiner

Author Biography:
Mr. Joiner is the consummate lover of reading. He can think of few activities more enjoyable. He’s equally passionate about inventing new ways to make reading fascinating and more accessible to children. He makes his home in Iowa. For information about Mr. Joiner’s books, contact him at:

Author Interview:
Ryan Joiner is an interesting author with quite a bit to offer the literary world. His forte is working directly with children to foster the love of reading. His recent children's release is gaining popularity. Therefore, we found it fitting to interview this author on the rise for our blogspot. You can find his latest release and interview below:

What are your favorite books?

There are too many to name. Probably 99.9 percent of the books that I’ve read fascinated me.
What is your advice for aspiring authors or writers?

Read as many autobiographies as you can. That will give you the permission and the courage to write about your own life if you need it. You then privately write about your own personal life. As you’re writing on your life, your “personal” life-lessons and passions will emerge. This will be your material. Write about them-make them your genre- when you’re ready to write for the public.  

What are you best experiences as a writer?

My best experience as a writer was writing on my entire life. It’s how I found myself. It’s how I found my passions. It’s how I found my genre.

Do you suffer from writers block?

No. Writer’s block is an illusion. Brainstorming proves that writer’s block is nonexistent.

What are your current writing projects?

I am currently working on my Children’s picture book series called THE AMAZING THINGS THAT BOOKS CAN DO! It’s a four-book series.

What is the one thing that has surprised you the most during your writing career?

Elementary schools, Junior High schools, High schools, Community Colleges, Universities, book stores, and public libraries purchasing my mere Children’s picture book totally surprised me. In my mind, I’d limited my buyers to mere private parents and guardians-not public educational institutions.

What authors influence your work?

I’d have to say every author who I’ve read. Some authors helped me get my logic and reasoning right. Some authors helped me find myself. Some authors helped me confront myself. Some authors helped me confront the world. Some authors helped me understand the world. I’d have to say every author who I’ve read influence my work in some way, form, or fashion.

Do you ever suffer from writers block?  If so, how do you get past it?

I never suffer from writer’s block. Whenever I’m in need of ideas or inspiration, I simply brainstorm. Whenever I’m in need of energy to write, I simply rest. If I’m not tired I’ll eat or drink something healthy to pick myself up. Writer’s block is an illusion.

When you’re not writing, what keeps you busy? What are some of your favorite things to do?

Since reading is my most favorite thing to do, it’s what keeps me engaged. I also love patronizing bookstores and libraries. Spending time with family and friends is just as important and enjoyable. Nature’s my playground. I really enjoy sketching the illustrations of my books and dictating the designs of my books. There are a lot of things that I enjoy.

What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on my Children’s picture book series called THE AMAZING THINGS THAT BOOKS CAN DO!

What was the one book that most influenced your life and why?

How To Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad saved my life. It was the book that introduced me to vegetarianism. It was the book that introduced me to fasting. It’s the book that taught me that less is actually more when it comes to eating. It’s the book that taught me that life isn’t all about physically eating. Ultimately this book led me to the life of energy which led me to life and living abundantly. For the sake of brevity-because I can go on and on and on about this book-I’ll just say How To Eat To Live is the one book that most influenced my life.

If there was one thing you could change about this literary journey what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing. Both the inspiration and the challenges have motivated me to keep going. I’m enjoying all the benefits that come from persevering.

You can find out more about Ryan by following his blog @


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